Welcome is a top 10 World progression guild looking for serious and competitive players. We are also a competitive Classic Cata guild, and we look to continue our success in SoD doing progression, speedruns, speedkills, and some casual runs on the side.
Phase 1 (BFD): #8 World, #4 US, #1 Server Prog.
Phase 2 (Gnomer): #5 World, #1 US, #1 Server Prog
Phase 3 (ST) : # 6 World, #2 US, #1 Server Prog
Phase 4 (MC): #8 World, #3 US, #1 Server Prog
We currently run 1 raid on Tuesdays/Sundays.
Not Recruiting atm, but strong Tanks and Healers, top tier/meta DPS, and any 99+ Parsers/experienced players that really want to push top ranking spots will be considered.
Contact: If interested, please reach out on Discord (moonvenger). Interview process required before invite.
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