is an Alliance Guild on Lone Wolf NA PVP for Season of Discovery. Run times are currently THURSDAY and MONDAY between 7PM and 8:30PM start time. Focus is currently on cultivating successful raid teams to farm content as it progressively releases.
As of 2nd Week of SOD, 3 teams are at 7/7 while we are working on building a fourth successful raid team.
RAGE plays 4 times per week for a total of 4 horas.
Day | Start | Duration |
Ter | 01:00 | 1 horas |
Ter | 02:30 | 1 horas |
Sex | 01:00 | 1 horas |
Sex | 02:30 | 1 horas |
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RAGE is recruiting!
What activities is RAGE recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in RAGE?